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667 new COVID-19 cases since Friday

There was no COVID-19 update over the weekend.

Newfoundland and Labrador has 237 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 today, February 21. On Saturday, February 19, there were 306 new cases and on Sunday, February 20, there were 124 new cases.

Regional Breakdown of today's cases: Eastern Health region 156 Central Health region 22 Western Health region 56 Labrador-Grenfell Health region 3

There have been 229 recoveries leaving 1,749 active cases.

There are 16 people in hospital. 11 are in non-critical care and five are in critical care.

The province is reporting two more deaths. One individual is a male over 90 years of age and the second is a female between 70-79 years of age, both in the Central Health region.


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