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Interim Funding Approved through Special Warrant #nlpoli

The government’s expenses have been approved through a special warrant for a two-month period that covers April 1 to May 31.

It is in the amount of $2,086,721,900. This allows the operations of the government to continue until the House of Assembly reopens and has had an opportunity to consider an interim supply bill.

Government operations include payroll, income support and other expenditure obligations such as the calling and awarding of tenders, as well as annual contractual obligations that must be encumbered pursuant to the Financial Administration Act.

The special warrant is based on allocations approved during Budget 2020 which were unanimously approved by the House of Assembly in November.

The special warrant will have no incremental impact on the government’s financial position in 2021-22 beyond what is anticipated to be included in Budget 2021.


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