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7 Abandoned Ghost Towns in Newfoundland

Newfoundland and Labrador has several ghost towns. Here are seven you must see!

Round Harbour was a fishing community on the Cape Shore of the Baie Verte Peninsula, about 5 km southwest of Tilt Cove. In the 1960's Round Harbour's isolation led many people to relocate to such larger centres as Baie Verte and La Scie.

Ramah was a small mission run by the Moravian Church in northern Labrador from 1871 until 1908.

La Manche was a community on the east coast of the Avalon Peninsula. The community was first settled in the 1840's. Today it is a Provincial Park.

Battle Harbour was formerly a permanent settlement, located on the Labrador coast. Today it is a summer fishing station.

Merasheen is a community located on the southwestern tip of Merasheen Island in Placentia Bay in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. It was one of the largest and most prosperous communities in Placentia Bay to be resettled, with the provincial government paying residents to abandon the community and relocate to designated growth centres during the 1960s.

Red Cliff Air Station is a closed General Surveillance Radar station. It is located 9.3 km north-northeast of St. John's. It was closed in 1961.

Safe Harbour was situated on the northern shore of Bonavista Bay, between Greenspond and the Valleyfield, Badger’s Quay, Pool's Island area. It lies about two miles south of Valleyfield and one mile west of Pools Island. The first inhabitants arrived in 1860 from neighbouring settlements. Safe Harbour was one of the first communities to be abandoned under the Government's Resettlement Program.

There are several other ghost towns around our province, which ones did we miss?

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