Copious amounts of weather alerts in effect

Along the south coast rainfall amounts of 30 to 50 mm are expected.
Winds will gust between 100 and 120 km/h along most of the south coast, central, and the Avalon.
Across the west coast, winds will gust to 150 km/h along exposed areas of the coast and 160 km/h in the Wreckhouse area.
Across the Big Land, significant amounts of snow is expected from this evening until early Friday morning.
Postville-Makkovik to Hopedale will receive nearly 25 cm of snow. Nain and Natuashish will see about 5 to 10 cm. Winds will gust to 100 km/h.
15 to 30 cm of snow is expected from Churchill Falls to Upper Lake Melville.
From Lodge Bay to Cartwright winds will gust from 80 to 110 km/h.