Enhancements announced for Labrador Sport Travel Subsidy

Minister of Labrador Affairs Lisa Dempster announced further enhancements to the Labrador Sport Travel Subsidy Program.
The Program provides air travel support to Labrador athletes aged 18 and under, Special Olympians and sport organizations to participate in provincial competitions and development camps.
Subsidies are also provided to support coach and official development, and provincial tournaments hosted in Labrador.
New enhancements include:
100 per cent coverage of airfare for athletes travelling from the six north coast communities of Nain, Hopedale, Natuashish, Postville, Makkovik and Rigolet to Happy Valley-Goose Bay.
An annual increase to the hosting grant from $7,500 to $10,000 for Labrador minor sport organizations to assist teams and officials travelling to a Labrador provincial sport championship or provincial training camp.
Athletes from the south coast travelling to sporting events on the island are entitled to 30 cents per kilometre to their nearest airport. All athletes are provided 75 per cent airfare coverage from Goose Bay, Wabush and Blanc Sablon airports.