SEA-NL launches petition to review process to become inshore enterprise owner

SEA-NL is launching a province-wide petition calling on the provincial government to undertake public consultations on the obstacles to becoming an inshore enterprise owner.
The public meetings would coincide with a review of the Professional Fish Harvesters Act.
Currently, the process to become a licensed inshore enterprise owner-operator takes five years. In that time frame, the applicant must complete certain courses and earn a minimum amount of income from the fishery. If they work full-time outside the fishery over the five-year period they're disqualified.
Pam Patten, President of SEA-NL, and a Fortune-based inshore owner-operator said “Anyone can fish, but not anyone can become a licensed small-boat owner-operator.”
“The time and cost of acquiring a fishing enterprise is out of reach for too many Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, and the inshore fleet and rural communities are fading faster because of it.”